Sunday, August 16, 2009

Some people should not own dogs

Every day I take Albert for a walk on the same route. Every day Albert and I see the same dogs and a lot of the time the same people. Albert loves to go for walks, and yes, I do spoil him by taking him most days.

Albert and I also see the same dogs EVERY DAY in the same back yards (or cages, kennels, pens, etc.) getting the same lack of attention. These dogs run to the fence to visit Albert and I as if we are the only human being it will see all day. We always feel guilty walking away from them because they will be sitting waiting for us to come by again tomorrow. Yes, these dogs have food, water, and shelter. They are safe. And their owners probably pick up their waste too. But what is the point of having a dog if it is just there to occupy the backyard (or 5 x 5 area they designated for it). Even if it is a hunting dog, it is not fair to the dog.

Dogs need just as much attention and interaction as humans need. Would you ever dream of sticking your kid in the backyard to live and entertain itself? Some of you might say that a kid is totally different, but IT'S NOT. Dogs are just like kids. They need to be talked to, played with, exercised, and feel loved.

If you don't want the mess or the fleas (yes, ALL dogs do get fleas) that comes with a dog, then please don't get one. Even if your child is begging and pleading with you. Get that child a fish.

Dogs don't deserve to be put in an area to live and entertain itself.


MediocreMama said...

I totally agree. Which is why I'll never own a dog. I hate seeing dogs locked up -- ever since having kids I have much more compassion for animals because they are a lot like babies. Innocent, loving, and dependent on us for almost everything. Poor things.

And PS don't let my blog scare you about parenthood...most days are fantastic. The hard ones are just more interesting to talk about :) You will love it.

smargaret2003 said...

I agree with you, Cabela is part of the family and although she is a dog she needs attention too! We always feel guilt if we don't take her for a walk or have her cooped up in the house for to long or in the backyard. You go girl! I am on your side!

Unknown said...

albert is so beautiful, lindsey, and i hope his allergy deal is short-lived. glad you and albert visit with the dogs on your walks. albert is a lucky boy to have you and dave. i love kimba, too, and it is stuff like what you see on your walks that gives credence to the saying "a dog's life." not nice. we've made a "connection."

Emily said...

I totally agree with you. My dogs are like my kids! Your dog is beautiful!